Saturday 24 March 2012

{ - Something to leave behind - }

Within the digital age, what is it that we are leaving behind physically?

 In the near future, we will no longer refer to BC and AD, but rather to pre-digital and post-digital. In a world where we have a second, digital persona, how do we deal with the inevtiable ending of life with regards to the relationship of our primary, physical self and our secondary, digital self? 

What will a cemetery of the future be like, if we, as a society, alter our perceptions of death through the influence of the instant gratification generation?

Saturday 10 March 2012

{ - Secret London - }

{ - Secret London - }

After a spontaneous decision to go back to site and try and get into Nunhead Cemetery before it closed this time, we tripped to London yesterday. Well worth the effort when we climbed to the peak of the (closed) water reservoirs adjacent to Nunhead to see the 180 degree view of the London skyline - a viewing spot not well known and not at all used...yet.

Thursday 1 March 2012

{ - Crit 2 - Video - }

{ - Crit 2 Feedback- }

Presenting our work at the first crit with external guests (29th Feb 2012).  Critics Jim Eyre, Melissa (Wilkinson Eyre), Jack Dunne and Richard Koeck.

Comments - define the digital element of your project, how can it be experienced as architectural space?